Monday, September 30, 2013

Buenos Aires

Sorry I am emailing so late, I got a call last week about my papers for my VISA and yesterday we took a bus for 6 hours to go to Buenos Aires, so today we could head into the capital. We got the few things that we needed and headed to the large rigistro to do who knows what, we waited an hour and it was finally my turn. We went up, the lady looked thru them and said that I was missing something . . .you can imagine my reaction. . .What?!? Yea with one of the apostilles on a paper that had to be translated they didn't endorse the dumb thing. So we get to come back next week . . yay! But it is a crazy place compared to our little area of La Costa. So much going on. It is like Europe, Mexico and New York all stuffed into one city. haha 
Anyway, this week flew by, I feel like I blinked and it hit Sunday. Wow, and next week is transfers (I can´t believe it has been 6 weeks and 8 weeks here in Argentina. Time is SUPER different when you're on a mission.) Bah. So much change all at once. I guess we are getting 23 new missionaries, good gravy.  

But this week we had a lot of good lessons, and still with each day I am understanding a lot more, it is just the talking that is taking it´s dear sweet time :S but it is all about patience, that is something that I have definitely learned while here. 

We received a lot of referrals from one member and through him we have a couple new investigators. One is 20 and just moved here from Paraguay by himself.  We had a good short discussion with him and when we left, I was thinking about how hard it would be to leave your country and family and move to a new place, it is a lot like the mission but we leave everything for a short time, knowing that we are still being watched over by our Heavenly Father.  These people leave what they know and stay for longer than 18 months to 2 years, and most of the time they don´t have any guidance and like our friend they are looking for work and a better life.  

What a priviledge we have being here and giving those that are lost guidance and an opportunity to learn they are not alone and there is so much more to this life and the life to come.  And like I remind myself each time we have a bad day or get rejected. A missionary once told me that they are not rejecting us, they are rejecting Christ and His teachings. And at the very least, we planted a seed that at some future time will start to sprout and grow inside them.  

I love this gospel and am beyond grateful for the knowledge and comfort it brings me each day..I am thankful for this time in beautiful Argentina to teach people what I know and help them learn more for themselves by challenging them to read and pray about the Book of Mormon.  I know this book is true and if allowed it can change lives.  Hna Tobar and I are super stoked for General Conference, (she has been counting down for the last month, haha she´s so cute.) to hear more words from our Father in Heaven. And like we have been telling everyone down here, it is a fiesta for the world, to have a chance to listen to the words of God through a living Profeta, about now, about this time. Yay!!

I hope you all have a great week and Enjoy General Conference! I am not going to lie, it will be a little interesting in Spanish, but I am super excited nonetheless.
La zona de la Costa reunion de zona where we got a training on family history. It was Elder Day´s b-day, so we covered him with post-its. The zone: (back L-R) Elder and Sister Galtica the family history specialists, Elder Halley(zl) Elder Robison (our District leader) Hna Anae (white scarf), Hna mills (red hair) Elder Bastias. Front (L-R) Elder Day (post its) Hna Oliva, Hna Rodriguez (red Skirt), Hna Alexander, Hna Rupp (the one that knows Checketts), me and Hna Tobar. 

Happy Birthday Mom!

Our District Leader made us bracelets, we are showing them off.
Hna Tobar didn´t want to be in the Picture.  


Monday, September 23, 2013

fun facts and random stuff.

So remember how I had you send lyrics...well our new district leader is just as obsessed with Disney as we are, as in he knows all the words to just about every song. It is pretty funny.  But he has all the songs, so we were able to get them from him and since he has them in English and Spanish, I am learning them in Spanish and Hna Tobar is learning them in English. bah!! awesome! 

I have a favor...can you pretty please send me a picture of the mountains? I am missing them quite a lot and they have nothing here. It is flat because we are on the coast. 

We had a zone activity today, fun fact once a transfer or for very special occasions we are able to watch a pelicula [Movies], children's of course so they usually end up being Disney.  So far we have watched (last transfer) Despicable Me, then for my birthday we watched Hotel Transylvania, which is super funny by the way even in Spanish with Eng. subtitles.  Then today we watched Monsters University, b/c it is the end of the transfer and Elder Day´s birthday is tomorrow. Anyway, I had the fun idea to make a very special treat for the activity I did and everyone loved it, Hna Tobar loved it minus the chips...but I even converted our district leader, Elder Robison (from Fillmore Utah) to it, he kept saying that he was not a fan, I told him to try it once. One time was all it took, Haha our special treat rules again. Even though it did not taste the same as with ingredients in the states, it was still good.

Gotta love "Brad's Guacamole" "Dani's Guac."

Highlight de la semana

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Danielle Snow <> wrote:

Good gravy, the weeks just fly by! It is quite crazy.  But sadly the work is super slow at the moment.  Since our area was divided and we are trying to work with part of another area that we don´t know we don´t have mucho trabajar [work] at ese momento. We are trying to find old investigators and less actives but nobody ever seems to be home. And as far as people that we are working with. We have found that some won´t open their doors anymore and a couple others are moving. Entonces times are a little rough at the moment.  But no worries the work goes on.  

And now for the highlight... 

So the familia Gomez, it has been un mes [month] since the baptism de Daiana, and Saturday we had the baptism of her sister Candela. This has to be the highlight of Argentina so far.  Here is her story...  

As we were teaching Daiana, Candela and the rest of the family would be in the lessons and more or less participate, reading and responding, etc.  Along the way Candela would be happy and but not very interested in what we were teaching...until one day, we invited her to be baptized, she said yes, then the changes started.

The amazing thing: it was a complete change over night. No joke. One lesson she was just there with her family, the next lesson she was smiling and engaged in the lesson.  It was so cool. And as we taught her we kept seeing the transformation that was taking place.  

Now fast forward one month, since the day we asked her to follow the example of Christ and be baptized and you will find Candela dressed in white with the biggest smile on her face and that special sparkle in her eye.  The feeling is indescribable.  The baptism went well, Candela having a smile on her face since she stepped into la capilla, and as we were singing a special musical number she started crying, but still smiling. Oh my goodness, the spirit that was radiating from that room that night was beyond incredible.  

It is so cool that, although only 13 years old, she can feel the love that our Heavenly Father has for each of his children and the pure joy that comes when following the example of Christ.  Just by looking at her you could tell that she knew exactly what was happening and we could not have been more excited for her.  

Then Sunday at church she showed up looking like she has been a member all along. She radiated with the light and the spirit of Christ, and she hadn´t even been confirmed yet. Haha but when she was confirmed, she is super shy and was really nervous to go up, but she did, and again was smiling the entire time.  During the confirmation that same amazing spirit that filled the room the night before came flooding back into the chapel as the President said ´receive the Holy Ghost.´ 

Wow . .yup definitely a highlight.  I feel so blessed to have had the chance to aid in teaching Candela.  She has an amazing spirit that she can share with her family and two other sisters that are members.  It is moments like these that are the moments that make the rough times totally worth it.  The moment when someone has that Aha! moment when they get that spiritual confirmation that this is the true and restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  

I hope you all have a fabulous week!
Mucho Amor,

Hermana Snow

1. photo right before the baptism.  Hna Tobar and I with Candela, Daiana and her parents. 
2. Hna Tobar and I with Candela, Daiana and their brother Alexis, after her confirmation.

Q & A

You guys are crazy. Haha but okay I will answer them... 

Hermana Snow,
Trying something a little different this week. We have all written down some questions and would like you to hit reply and fill in the "A" or answer part. Love you so much.

Your Fam.

Q: Is the weather getting warmer down there?

A: Yes the weather is slowly getting warmer, it is freakishly like Utah, changing a lot.  Some days are warm others are super cold with sun... super deceiving. 

Q: What food - other than Fruit Loops and Milk out of a bag are you eating?

A: Haha lots of rice with potatoes and carne, pastas of all types, I have had hambugers only a couple times, when our lunch appt fell thru and on P'day. They are very different... with ham. 

Q: How much money do you get to spend each month?

A: We get about 1 mil pesos a month. 

Q: What is the money exchange rate - US Dollars to ARG currency?

A: I have no idea what the exchange rate is. 

Q: What is ARG currency?

A: They use pesos

Q: Have you seen any Tarantula's? [McKayla's Question]

A: Not yet, but it is very unsure what summer will bring. 

Q: What animals do you see while walking?

A: Nothing too extreme, MANY MANY MANY dogs, a few cats. 

Q: What is the landscape like?

A: In our area we have a couple paved roads but the rest are dirt. It is generally flat b/c we are on the coast. But there are a few ups and downs. [See Pix Below]

Q: Do you have a shower at your place?

A: Yes we have a shower with hot water.

Q: How are you sleeping these days?

A: Depends, some nights are better than others. There are still times when I wake up at either 2:30 or 4:30 for no apparent reason, but it is getting better. 

Q: How are your clothes holding up?

A: Pretty good haven´t had anything too rough.  Skirts are good, the grey jacket is amazing as are mom´s gloves (thank you a bunch!) as for my tights...I have a hole in one b/c I had a run in with a dog while on my bici. But no worries all I have is a scratch. The dog didn´t do too much damage. 

Q: Do you buy snacks while you are out working?  And, what are they?

A:  Sometimes, we have either bought crackers or cookies, but usually we don´t have anything. 

Q: Do you have district mtgs?  And, when?  How many are in your district?

A: Yes we have d.m.s every Tues at 10.  There are 8 in our district. The elders and 6 Hermanas.  (leaving the zone leaders and the other 2 Hermanas in the other district.)

Q: Do you study in Spanish or English or both?

A: I study Spanish...when I get the chance. There is a lot of work and sadly more often than not I don´t get much time to study.  

Q: Do you have time to correspond with any of your friends?

A: Yea, we send short emails back and forth. 

Q: Have there been any transfers or has one passed and are you staying put?
A:  We had transfers the Monday after my b'day and the next one is the wkd of conference.

The pix are of the area, paved is the main street that is now the divider of the area.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Blessings, Miracles and More

Hola a todos, [all] 
This week was full of exciting events entonces, it went by really fast. Here are some highlights.
Wednesday, we journeyed to Valeria del Mar to contact some members and less active members who could help us get the work going there. Things were going relatively good, but there was basically no one outside, it was like a ghost town. So after contacting one last house we decided to head back. My bici started to have problems, so I stopped and tried to figure out what was up.  A gentleman passed by and helped us by kicking the back tire and getting things back in place. And it worked great, . . .until about 10 min later,  when it died in it wouldn´t pedal and the back tire wouldn´t move. Oh how I love these bicis. So we started to trek back. We said a prayer that we would make it back safely and in good time b/c it was dark now and we were rather far from where we were headed. 
After we prayed the tire moved but it still wouldn´t pedal. Here´s where the blessing comes in, as we trekked back on a main street with light, we made it to the boundary of Ostende and Valeria, a place we recognized, and my bici stopped functioning completely, no movement of the back tire, nada. But I saw it as a prayer answered, we made it back to a familiar area in good time and with safety-pretty cool. But now we are without bicis...we had a really good lesson with a family on the Word of Wisdom, with a member present who is a convert of 2 years and who had a problem with almost all of the bad things of the WOW. The lesson went great and he shared his story and testimony, bringing a very strong spirit into the house. Afterwards I shared my testimony. I had a very strong feeling to share with them that I had a Grandma die from smoking, before I was born and how I didn´t get to know her here in this life. Such a simple testimony, but there was an incredibly strong spirit that filled the room and I may or may not have started crying as I spoke. 
Being a member all my life, sometimes I feel like I can´t relate to many of the people here, I don´t know what they are experiencing. But at this moment, I felt like I had something to help them, like I had something that they could relate to. It was really cool and I am grateful for that experience.
I know that the lord places us in peoples lives and others in our lives for a reason. That reason is because either we have something to learn from them or they have something to learn from us. Keep being an example and living right. You never know who might be watching.
Have a great week!!
Hna Snow
Some pics for kicks
Yes, she found them! fyi, the bag is Milk.

Monday, September 9, 2013

5 Weeks

Hola Padres!
Things are better. The members are awesome and I love them a ton. The wife of the branch pres is super cute. She always responds to things in English. haha we don´t get many referrals and contacting is hard b/c it is a Catholic dominant area. But we get a good one every once in a while. As far as cold contacting we really don't do a lot, but our area is being split and we are getting a new part added to ours so we are hoping work picks up.  

Glad you had fun at Bear Lake, yea thanks for taking out the boat after I leave. . haha jk.  The tubes are fun but the banana is the bomb! That is the fun part- trying not to fall off. 
Your bike is super nice [Brad got a new Mtn. Bike]. How do you like our bicis? [See previous post-pix] Cute huh?  We started out walking everywhere, but it took a ton of time, so we are using bikes that the elders, who were here before us, left. They are awesome. It was a killer on my knees in the beginning but after we raised the seat and filled the tire, it is a lot easier and the muscles that I lost from dancing are coming back.  The difference between Elders and Sisters bicis is that there is no bar from the handles to the seat on the sisters, making it easier in a skirt. But after having these bicis for over tres semanas [3 weeks], mas o menos [but more or less], I have gotten really good at getting off and on and riding an Elders bike in a skirt and maintaining some modesty. haha

Church is the same, three hour block and everything. The branch is super small. This week we had maybe 50 people there. We have lunch with members everyday the same families regularly. We eat lunch instead of dinner with them, b/c is it their main meal.  

P-days, we clean and prep til 10, email, then have lunch and activites with our district in la capilla til 6 or earlier if we have to go shopping. 
Yea, I can´t believe that I have been out 6 months time has gone by fast.  Thanks for all your support and love, yea if you could I would like a quote.

Please and thanks!!!ç
Love you all so much!!ç
Hna Snow

Oh Argentina...

This week went by super fast, and was much better.  The weather down here is a lot like Utah...warm one day and really really cold with rain the next. Haha go figure. 
First, at almuerzo [lunch-mid morning snack]on Miércoles [Wednesday] with the padres de our branch presidente, they asked me to say the prayer in English. . I was surprised at how hard it was to pray out loud in English, but I took that as a good sign.  I have definitely been able to see growth this week, I understand so much more, for ex: we had conferencia de zona en Sabado [Saturday] and understood everything, and at church on Domingo [Sunday], I understood all of Relief Society and a couple talks in la reunion sacramental.  yay! I was excited. Speaking is coming a bit more each day. I am talking more in lessons, but having regular conversations is still difficult. Hna Tobar says that the most important part is the gospel and the other will come. 

Friday we had an activity about communication with the family. Us Hermanas [Sisters] acted out different scenes, Hna Tobar and I were the bad example of communication and the otros [other] Hnas were the good means of communication.  It was rather interesting, I will have to say.  I have done the whole improv acting a little in English...but to have to do it in Spanish, I was a bit worried, I don´t know that many words in spanish. . . But with much prayer the activity went really well. There was only a couple families there, and after the videos that our mission leader showed the spirit that was there was definitley a confirming witnesss of how vital good communication with the familia really is.  

Like I mentioned, we had conferencia de zona this week, with Presidente and Hna Thurgood.  It was a lot different than in Idaho, it was just our zone and the mission presidency.  The zone leaders asked Hna Tobar and I to give a training on commitments. . bah a little nerve wracking but we were grateful after because we didn´t have to do a role play in front of everyone. haha But really it was an AMAZING conference. It was like a spiritual atomic bomb went off in our capilla [Chapel]. It was incredible. We learned about the importance of extending commitments and how inspired questions can guide a lesson in the direction that God wants it to go.  

We left the conference and it was pouring, ah my first Argentine rainstorm, and it was awesome, especially on bicis [bikes]. haha we got drenched but it was super fun.  we tried to visit people but not many people were there or just pretended not to be.  As we were leaving one house, we tried knocking on a door by it and the little daughter answered in tears. We asked what the problem was and she said that the TV wasn´t working. We tried a few things, nothing, so we said a quick prayer tried a couple other things and it worked.  We left and looked at each other and just smiled,  yup that was a mini miracle right there and a prayer answered.  Oh the faith and trust of a child is truly amazing.  

That is all for this week, 
I hope you all have a fabulous week! 
Hna Snow
Pix is of Hna Tobar and I with our awesomely ghetto bicis. We were supposed to get new ones Sat. but it didn´t happen. Entonces [Then] we are stuck with these for a bit longer. Needless to say I have gotten really good at getting on and off and riding an Elder´s bike in a skirt haha. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Hola to you and you and you...

This week has been a little better than last week. Here are some things that I have learned in the last couple weeks:

1. Satan is incredibly real and knows how to worm his way into the minds of anyone, missionaries, members and people alike. Just like the scriptures say all good things are of God, if it is not good it is of the Devil, that is most definitely true, and it may not even be a large thing, merely a simple thought, but with that simple thought it can turn into something bigger. I have experienced it and seen it in people in this area. I am grateful for the knowledge of prayer that we have, to talk to God, anytime, anywhere and can ask him for help. No matter what it is. 
2.  Exact obedience brings miracles, blessings, protection and more. This is His work, His Gospel, His promise. We are just instruments in His hands. 
3. It is truly amazing what this Gospel can do when applied. How it can change lives and bring hope to anyone. And with that, when teaching by the Spirit miracles happen. The spirit really does do the converting, not us. It gives that witness that no one else can and it is really cool to see the effect that is has on those who accept that confirming witness.
We were trying to contact a referral and ended up finding a new investigator.  We had a short lesson on the plan of salvation and invited her to say a prayer with us before we left. She agreed hesitantly but her prayer was honest and real.  We said amen and she was crying, right there is the power of the Spirit.  A couple days later we had a lesson on the Gospel of Jesus Christ with her, her husband and his brother and I can tell you the spirit was so strong you could cut it with a knife.  We invited them to be baptized and it took them a while to respond, so we sat there in silence. But it wasn´t an awkward silence, it was a peaceful silence. She was silent and I could tell that she was feeling the strong spirit in their little room. A little while later they agreed to a date at the end of the month as a goal.
It is so cool to be able to be a representative of Jesus Christ and to be able to be a witness of the changing power that the Spirit has in the hearts of all who are open to it. I love this gospel and love serving around so many converts, it has strengthened my testimony and trust in the Lord so much.
Have a fabulous week!!
Hermana Snow
We did yard service with an investigator. . the tall trees in the picture with the capilla [Chapel] those are pine trees. The large one is normal for here. Then I found a little one. . normal for home. 

Labor Day Weekend

Mom, thanks for the lyrics, totally made my day! They have little internet cafes all over that we are able to use and print out things. haha I thought you would like the plate. I definitely got a kick out of it. Thanks for the Birthday wishes from facebook...they made me smile. :)
Thanks for doing all the fun activities after I left. . haha Glad everything worked out with hna Gorriti and Sister Davis. Aren´t they awesome!?
I am glad things are going well with school and everything thanks for the Hi from Mrs. Baker, tell her Hola for me.
That is crazy about the mission calls, with Alli going to the same mission that Elder Ludlow is in, and Paige going to Russia, wow! Yea those in my district that are in Anaheim haven't gotten their VISA's yet either.
Hna Tobar [Dani's Companion] just hit her 6 month mark so not too much longer than I have been out.
Thanks I know you are all here for me and sometimes I feel like I am in some part of California not all the way in Argentina ...Satan has a sneaky little way of getting in minds and it is rather annoying. But I know that if I keep going and put all my trust and faith in the Lord He will help me through anything, even if it seems impossible, NOTHING is impossible with the Lord. I learn that a little more everyday.
I am in the southern part of the mission in pinamar area, and our area that we serve in is Ostede. or with google earth type in Pinamar or something. It is a cute little area with a TON of arena!!! (sand) everywhere!! It is rather annoying at times. haha. Glad everything is going well and hope your trips are a blast.
Hna Snow