Sunday, August 24, 2014

"Days go by, I can feel them flying like a hand out the window. . ."

Monday, August 18, 2014
First off, I have no idea how we are already in week 4 of this transfer. I think someone is speeding up the clock. And, mom I got my itinerary this week along with the plans for our tour of the Capitol and the temple trip...lets just say I almost cried again- like when I got the "please don't cry letter". I printed off your letter and was able to read it earlier...oh my goodness what changes have happened. Please tell everyone Hola and that they will be in my prayers. With all that has been happening and just all the crap in this world, I am kinda scared to return to normal life. Don't get me wrong I am super excited to see Everyone but scared to return to all the crap that we are currently separated from.  At lunch with one of the members the other day, we were helping her make a treat for the activity they had for ´children's day´ and her grand kids had the TB on and were looking for a channel with music.  They found MTV and it had music on but then it changed to one of those reality dating shows, I wasn't watching it but it was in English and b/c it is MTV they have swear words like every other word or so and it honestly hurt to listen to them. The others didn't understand what was going on and I asked them to change it. Well talking with my comp about this as we walked back to the pension that night and after thinking about it that day, I told her that I am nervous to go back and understand all the swear it has been great b/c I don't know those words so when said I don't notice. It has been quite a nice break, let me tell ya.  

Aanywho, on a happier note, we had exchanges this week. I always like exchanges to get a different perspective for a day and if you change areas the chance to work in another area. This one took a bit of the stress away. We still don't have a map and I still don't have any idea what the boundaries of our area are exactly but I started doing what I can to organize even though it is still driving me a bit crazy that I am not able to do what I have been thinking about. Especially since I don't have that much time left and I am not going to leave the Hna V without some kind of organization . . haha (mom I totally get this from you)
We've started teaching a reference that we got from another area in our zone, Diana. She is really interested and her boyfriend is a member of the other ward. This week we had our second visit and took a member and wow what a lesson it turned out to be. At first it was a bit rough with her younger siblings running and dancing around, the TV on, her dad had just gotten home, etc.  but as we got talking the Hno asked if her parents wanted to join in the discussion they agreed and we started. Her mom is very catholic and had a straight not so friendly face as we started, but while talking to them about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and explaining a little about how we have the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth again. When asking if anyone had questions,  her mom said that she heard that we don't believe in God. It was a little funny but makes you think of the side of non members and what they think or hear about the "Mormons" and all the crazy rumors and after explaining and clearing up a few things the mom seemed a lot more friendly than when we arrived, with the expression ´who are you people and what are you doing in my house?´ And once again the Spirit pulls through for me.  
Sat. at the ward activity for children's day, the Bishop asked me if I would give a talk Sun. the next day. I automatically said yes kinda without thinking B/c I am a missionary and that's what we do...haha but I wouldn't have said no anyway. He asked me at 4 on Sat...we had the activity and then went to work for a couple hours until we went back to have language study. Well, lets just say that my language study was me first choosing a topic (Hope), then writing a talk very quickly using True to the Faith, the Scriptures and Preach My Gospel. You know me I am not too much a fan of the whole talk giving, so yea I was nervous. But I guess like what happened with my farewell talk, they said it was a good talk and my comp said that I didn't seem nervous at all. Oh we will see what happens when I have to give a talk in will be interesting to see what happens b/c I can't even say a prayer out loud in English...hehe. 
Anywho, hope things continue going good and get better for you all.Say Hello to all for me. Until next time.
Hna Snow

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