Monday, November 4, 2013


Well this week was a good week. We had some really good lessons. A day of mucho mucho lluvia [much, much rain] an activity with the rama [branch], and a really good noche de hogar [home evening] with the familia Gomez [family]. And today...yet again I am in Banfield with Hna Barrett from AZ for tramites [paperwork]...more on that later.

We had a good lesson on the plan of salvation with a familia [family] where the mom, who is single, told us that she doesn't believe in a life after this one...yea, so we had a lesson on the plan de salvación [of salvation] with her and her kids, using pictures that I made, to help explain it better. I think they helped because when we left she thanked us and said things were a little bit clearer now and that she had something to think about. I hope that is a good sign :)

We had another day of a lot of rain and not a lot of b/c we are missionaries we took a picture of the rain...and Hna Blanco haha. But this same day we had a good noche de integración [night of integration] with the rama [branch], we as in the missionaries gave a good lesson type thing to those who showed up. Being the first time there were not a lot of them about the voice of the spirit, reverence in the home and in the church and how to recognize the voice of the spirit. It was a really good activity that we are going to have every couple weeks to help this rama [branch] become united and excited to come to church to feel and learn from the spirit.

Then Sat. night we had a noche de hogar [Home Evening] with the family Gomez. Oh this family...So, last lesson with them we shared a video about albedrio [agency], with a teenager and his conscious talking about the choices he has made and what choices he can make. Well, this night Hna Gomez told us that she really liked that video and it inspired her to make some changes in her life and in the life of her family. And oh man I can see more of those changes. Not only with the friendly spirit felt in their home, but her eyes are dead set on the temple and getting her family there. She isn't even baptized yet and she is acting like a member :) She will be an amazing member and example to all with the trials and experiences this family has gone through in such a short period of time to get to where they are. It is simply incredible. Now to just jump over this last hurdle and help them reach their goal of the temple to make this family eternal. 

It is such a blessing to know that this life is only the beginning, and to have the chance to be with our families for eternity. It really puts things into perspective and opens up the eyes of all to what they truly have and what they can have with this gospel. I love it! and I love this chance to be a part of spreading it to this corner of the world, even though yes at times it is difficult and people reject us, it really is there loss to be missing out on an opportunity for eternity. But everyone we talk to or visit with will have a slight seed planted in their hearts that will one day grow.

Thanks for all your prayers and support, I hope you all have a great week!

til next week, paz de [peace of] Argentina!
Hna Snow

plan de salvación

Rain Rain Rain w/Hna Blanco

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