So I realized in the email last week I mentioned that I was in Banfield and Buenos Aires yet again...but I didn't expound...oh, what happened...whoops. Anywho yes, Hna Barrett and I were in Captol for tramites [paperwork] last week. The good news we got it all taken care of within like 45 min of arriving at the Registro [registration], I know super fast. The bad news our FBI forms and fingerprints were they sent us home with our passports to get fingerprinted here in Pinamar.
During the week we went to first the Policia [Police] Federal where they told us to go. They then told us that we had to go to the Policia Provincia [Police Province] we did- but they told us we were missing a signature on our forms...oh, here we go again. After talking to Hna Aguin (la [the] Hna over all of this) she told us that we could get the firma [signature] of Pres. Thurgood and that would suffice. Since he came down for our Conferencia de Distrito [District Conference] (como [as] stake conference or algo asi [kind of]). So today, we headed back and got that all taken care of. Whew. We just hope that we are done with all the traveling and the paper work for now.
We have had a lot of difficulty with our area in finding people to teach and our asistencia in la capilla [assistance in the Chapel]. And it seems like right now all the problems seem to be boiling up to the surface...oh dear...but, don't fret, this week was definitely a turning point for us, or for me at least. I have a determination like never before on my mission, to help the members of this rama [branch] and the few investigators that we have. After much prayer and a bus ride back to Ostende after trying for our fingerprints the first time, I had some ideas come to me about what we can do and how we can help.
So, with this newly found determination the four of us Hna's de la rama de Pinamar [of the Branch of Pinamar] are going to flip this rama [Branch] upside down and help los miembros [the members] and menos activos [less actives] remember why it was that they were converted to this Gospel and why they were baptized. I can't wait to see what happens.
The past couple weeks have been really slow with the work in our area, with miembros tienen mucho [members have much] drama and such, and in finding new investigators and trying to help with everything...yup it is a bit overwhelming for us 4 taking all of this on. But with Faith, Trust, and pixie dust...haha no, but really, with Diligencia, paciencia, oracion and fe, [with diligence, patience, prayer and faith] we have been fortunate enough to see the start of a new beginning.
This past week we were able to find 3 new investigators and with four minds we have been working on ideas to unify this rama [Branch]. I'm not going to lie, it is a little difficult at times to keep your head up, stay positive and keep working when nothing is happening. But looking back, it is in those times that the Lord is turning the wheels of this machine and putting things in motion. We just need to sit back and let him work thru us. Because it is a test for everyone and in these moments He is testing us to see what choices we will make in the end.
It is going to take some work, but with our new pres de la rama and leadership, it will help a lot. And over some time I believe that this Rama will be a strong and great rama..we just gotta kick it in the pants to get things started.
With our Conferencia de Distrito, we had Pres and Hna Thurgood speak as well as the presidencia de la mision, but it was so sweet, Hna Thurgood gave her testimony in Español, well she read it. She doesn't know much Spanish and she was really nervous, but she did awesome!!
I hope you all have a fantabulous week!!
Chau, chau! Les Quiero!
Hna Snow
The Argentina Flag
On a ship outside the Registro in Buenos Aires
Hna Snow & Hna Barrett
On way back from Capitol via Omnibus
Hna Blanco and Hna Snow
We finally got new bicis...ok so we have had them for about a month
but we just never remembered to take a picture.
Our zone, that grew immensely.
We had a reunion de zona this past Wed.
Since it is getting to the end of the transfer, we had a pix,
because we are missionaries and that is what we do.
Elder Day goes home this transfer.
An investigator has a lot of birds,
we got to hold one :)
Went to visit Hna Alvina [a member] and they were making a lot of bread,
I guess that is what they do on Halloween in their family.
But there was a storm coming and they were trying to hurry.
So we helped.